Lecture on the Construction of Teacher Ethics

2024-05-31 11:53:07来源:[!--source--]作者:摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:19


  Education is the foundation of a nation, andteachers are the soul of education. To further strengthen the construction of teacher ethics, our university held a themed lecture titled"Casting Teachers' Souls, Shaping Teachers' Style - Construction of Teacher Ethics in the New Era of Higher Education"on May 20th and 21st at the Chongzuo Campus and KonggangCampus, respectively. All the teachersgathered together to engage in this profounddiscussion on teacher ethics.

  Lecture room (KonggangCampus)

  Lecture room (ChongzuoCampus)

  President Li Zhonghua initiated the lecture by highlighting the noble and sacred nature of the teaching profession. He emphasized that teachers are not only the purveyorsof knowledge but also shapers of students' minds and guiding lights for societal progress. He then delved into the connotations and requirements of teacher ethics in the new era, citing exemplary educators like Zhang Guimei to encourage our university's teachers to diligently and meticulously nurture their students. Additionally, he used examples of violations of teacher ethics to caution educators to uphold professional boundaries and establish a virtuous moral atmosphere.

  President Li Zhonghua Delivering aSpeech

  During the lecture, President Li Zhonghua particularly underscored the unique role and mission of university teachers. He pointed out that university teachers are specialized technical talents entrusted with the critical task of cultivating high-quality personnel. Therefore, teachers must possess high-level skills, emotions, and willpower to navigate the increasingly complex and dynamic educational environment. He encouraged teachers to stay abreast of the times, continuously update their knowledge, and enhance their teaching abilities to contribute to the educational cause of the new era.


Teachers takingnotes attentively.

  This lecture not only injected new vitality into the construction of teacher ethicsat our university but also provided clear direction for our teachers. Through this learning exchange, teachers expressed their commitment to approaching their educational responsibilities with greater enthusiasm and a more solid work ethic, collectively writing a new chapter in the construction of teacher ethicsin the new era with their noble ethics.

  Authors: Liu Chunmei, Lin Guifang

  Translation:Yan Yunting

  First Proofreading:Yan Yunting

  SecondProofreading:Chen Danping

  Final Review:Li Xiujin