Good News| Prof. Tang Chen won the "Outstanding Teacher Award" of Huang Yanpei Vocational

2024-01-30 14:40:09来源:[!--source--]作者:Author: He Jinxiu Photography:摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:324

  The "8th Huang Yanpei Vocational Education Award Presentation Conference" was held in Beijing on January 15, 2024.In the award ceremony, a group of outstanding units and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to promoting Huang Yanpei's vocational education ideas and promoting the development of China's vocational education were commended.Prof.Tang Chen of ouruniversitywas awarded the "Outstanding Teacher" of the 8th Huang Yanpei Vocational Education Award.

Professor Tang Chen attended the 8th Huang Yanpei Vocational Education Award Commendation Conference

  Tang Chen, a member of the Communist Party of China, has a rich professional teaching background, with professional titles such as Professor, Senior engineer, Senior technician, etc., and is also a senior "doubleprofessionally-title teacher".He was awarded the title of National Logistics Vocational Education Teaching Masterand served as a professional member of the National Logistics Vocational Education Teaching Steering Committee.He is also an expert member of the ‘1+X’Certificate Pilot Expert Database, Guangxi Science and Technology Expert Database and Jiangxi Science and Technology Expert Database.He actively participates in various innovation and entrepreneurship competitions and serves as a judge, such as the national competition of the China International "Internet+" UniversityStudent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and the Guangxi Division of the National E-commerce "Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship" Competition.

Professor Tang Chen at work

  In the academic field, Prof.Tang Chen serves as a director and specialresearcher of the China Society of Logistics, and Committee ofthe Logistics and Supply Chain Joint Association of China Logistics and Purchasing. In addition, he also serves as the vice president of the Sino-Vietnam International Logistics Association, the vice chairman of Guangxi Civil Aviation International Vocational Education Group, the director of Guangxi Logistics Vocational Education Group and the executive director of Guangxi Arts and Crafts Vocational Education Group.

  For sixteen years, Professor Tang Chen has always been rootedin the front line of vocational education. As the leader of majorof modern logistics management, he combines Huang Yanpei's vocational education ideas with the cultivation of high-end technical and skilled talents, constantly innovates the education mode, actively explores innovative teaching methods, andfocuses on cultivating students' practical ability and innovation consciousnessbase onthe positioning of undergraduate vocational education. In recent years, Professor Tang Chen has taken part in33 provincial and municipalresearch projectsand has edited 7textbooks. He has also published 37 research papers, obtained 4 patents, which have won more than 9 various teaching achievement awards. In addition, he also guided students to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship and discipline competitions, won more than 30 provincial(andabove)level awards. What’s more, he guided students to participate in 2 national projects and 1 provincial level of universitystudent innovation and entrepreneurship training program.

Professor Tang Chen is explaining practical training skills to students

  He formulated a training program for the major of modern logistics management, established a "Regional Intelligent Logistics Design and Development Innovation Team", and was approved as a high-level innovation team cultivation unit forcolleges in Guangxi. He also guidedthe practical trainingteachingof the majorand the construction of training bases, andthemajor ofmodern logistics management and trainingbases have beenapproved as "the first batch of new liberal arts construction pilot majors of modern logistics management and engineering majors in colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education", "Guangxi Vocational Education Demonstration Specialty and Training Base", "Guangxi Vocational Education Logistics Management Major and Professional Group Development Research Base" and "China Logistics Society Industry-University-Research Base", which has created a distinctive vocational education brand for the school.

  Based on the development of the ASEAN Economic Area, Professor Tang Chen hasrevitalizedthe high-quality resources of universities and enterprises, actively promoted the integration of industry and education and school-enterprise cooperation projects, and led close cooperation with many logistics industry technology chain enterprises such as Beibu Gulf Port Co., Ltd., Sinotrans Guangxi Company, Nanning International Comprehensive Logistic Park Company Limited, Jingdong Logistics, SF Express, etc.

  He organized the teaching team to carry out special skills trainingfor enterprises’employees, excavated part-time teacher resources of enterprises, improved the closeness of school-enterprise cooperation, and strived to explore innovative practices and innovative experiences in school-enterprise collaborative education in the context of vocational undergraduate education.

  Professor Tang Chen has been invited to participate in the national logistics conferences held by the National Logistics Vocational Education Teaching Steering Committee, the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, the China Society of Logistics, and the China-ASEAN Vocational Undergraduate Education Integration Development Forum and other international forums. He delivereda keynote or keynote speechin the forums, injecting "skill power" into promoting international exchange and cooperation in vocational education and jointly building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Professor Tang Chen gave a keynote speech at the China-ASEAN Forum on the Integration of Industry and Education in Vocational Undergraduate Education with the title of "Four Introductions and Four Integrations Leading the Layer-High-quality Development Practice of Vocational Undergraduate Education Majors and Major Groups".


 Professor Tang Chen delivered a keynote speech on "Don't Forget the Original Intention, Keep in Mind the Mission, Be a Practitioner and Promoter of Logistics Vocational Education Reform in the New Era--- Explore the Reform and Development of Vocational Education in China From the Road of Guangxi City Vocational University" at the "3rd College Deans Forum - High-quality Development of Major of Logistics ".

  "Huang Yanpei Vocational Education Award" was founded by the China Vocational Education Society in 2007,the award is selected every two years. In 2009, it was approved by the State Council as the only national award in the field of vocational education, which representing the highest honor in China's vocational education.Since its establishment, this award has become an important award for establishing an advanced model of vocational education, guiding and promoting the innovation and development of vocational education.Ithas beenwidely recognized by the vocational education community and is a well-known award with great influence.

  Professor Tang Chen won the "Outstanding Teacher Award" of the Huang Yanpei Vocational Education Award, which is another landmark achievement of the universityin building a high-level faculty.The university will take this opportunity to deeply grasp the new situation and new requirements of vocational education reform, pushingthe reform of education and teaching, innovatingthe talent training model,to serve the national strategy and the development of the industry as the orientation, to further deepen the education and teaching reform, to innovate the mode of talent cultivation, and to accelerate the high-quality development of vocational undergraduate education.

Author: He Jinxiu
Photography: Press corps
Translation: Li Xiujin
Proofread: Ban Chengcheng
Final Proofreader:XieNinglian