Our school students winthe second prize in the national competition

2023-12-12 11:00:09来源:[!--source--]作者:翻译:英语教研室摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:381

  The Fourth National Information Industry S (Python) National Industry Vocational Skills Competition concluded recently, with Zheng Lifan, a student from our Information Engineering College, winning the second prize. The instructor for the team was Huang Tianxu.

  The competition is jointly organized by China Society of Electronic Labor, China Employment Training Technical Guidance Center, China National Committee of National Defense Posts and Telecommunications Trade Union, organized by comprehensive Office of China Society of Electronic Labor, China National Defense Post and Telecommunications Workers Technical Association, Zhejiang Mechanical and Electrical Technician College, and co-organized by China Education Changxiang (Beijing) Technology Co., LTD. Competition for the national second class vocational skills competition, divided into workers and students, with Python programming language, from the grammar basis and algorithm design, web processing and text analysis and data processing and analysis of three aspects set tasks, with the quality of the task time and professionalism as the inspection goal, the contestants Python programming ability to conduct a comprehensive investigation.

  Zheng Lifan (fourth from left)

  Before entering the final, Mr.Huang Tianxu and Mr.Zheng Lifan kept a constant combat readiness and welcomed every competition with abundant spirit. Teacher Huang Tianxu not only gave Zheng careful guidance and taught professional knowledge, which laid a solid theoretical foundation for Zheng, but also made Zheng better understand and master Python programming skills through practical case analysis and project practice, and made full preparation for the final.

  "Mr.Huang has given me a lot of help, with his great support, both mentally and technically."After winning the award, Zheng Lifan was very grateful to his instructor.

  This competition is not only a competition of Python programming skills, but also a competition of programming thinking and programming design concept, which greatly improves the programming foundation, thinking ability and reaction ability of our students. The Information Engineering College sees this competition as an opportunity to enhance skill-based training and education. This aligns with our goal of strengthening skill development among students, thereby contributing to the regional economy with high-quality, skilled personnel.