Our University and Philippine Christian University(PCU) Conduct Exchange of Education Cooperation

2023-11-27 10:19:36来源:[!--source--]作者:国际学院摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:390

  In order to further improve the level of education and teaching in our university and promote the development of international education in our university, a group of 4 people including Liao Yong, Vice President of Philippine Christian University(PCU), and Ye Lan, Director of Guangxi Office ofPhilippine Christian University(PCU), came to our school to carry out the exchange of education cooperation and sign the Memorandum of Cooperation on 15 November. Liu Fengjiao, member of the school council, Huang Hongtao, vice dean of International College, Ma Xiangmei and other leaders participated in this exchange work.

  Ms.Liu Fengjiao introduced the basic situation of our school.

  At the time of winter, we discussed educational issues with people of the same way, and sought new teaching methods with friends of harmony in the exchange. At themeeting, Ms. Liu Fengjiao introduced the basic overview of our university to the delegation of Christian University and put forward the needs of our university for talent cultivation and the promotion of high-quality development of vocational undergraduate education. And from the importance of international cooperation in education under the new situation, she indicated that she hoped to enhance the internationalization level of our university through the cooperation with PCU, and to be in line with the international standards.

  Mr. Liao Yong puts forward the direction of co-operation between the two schools

  Mr. Liao Yong, Vice President of PCU, introduced from the basic overview of Christian University and running the school to meet the standards, the future planning of the school, the demand for education, put forward the differences between the two schools in the training of human resources and the direction of improvement, and hoped to be able to jointly cultivate Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree and Doctoral Degree with the University, and both sides to carry out the exchange programme for teachers and students to visit and exchange programs, so that to achieve the complementarity of advantages and achieve win-win co-operation.

  Conference site

  Both leaders reached a consensus on exchange and cooperation and signed a memorandum of cooperation. Before the meeting, accompanied by the leaders of our university, the leaders and teachers of Christine University visited the integrated logistics training room, arts and crafts training base and the National Artist Bacchus Garden, and gained a further understanding of the construction of our training base and the cultural connotation of the campus.

  VisitingIntegrated Logistics Training

  Visitingmahogany furniture showroom

  This educational exchange work promotes the educational cooperation and exchange between the two schools, which is conducive to maximizing the benefits between the two sides, advancing our school's international integration, enhancing the internationalization level, and realizing the complementary advantages between the two sides and win-win cooperation.