Our Students Won the Second Prize in Chongzuo Science Popularization Speech Contest for College Stud

2023-11-22 19:53:33来源:[!--source--]作者:饶珈榕摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:398

  In order to guide college students to establish innovation consciousness, innovation confidence, innovation and self-improvement consciousness, on the evening of November 8, by the Chongzuo City Cultural Bureau and Tourism Bureau, the Communist Youth League Chongzuo Municipal Committee, Chongzuo Science and Technology Association, Chongzuo Municipal Library, hosted by the theme of “Scientific and Technological self-reliance and self-improvement, students dare to be” The speech contest of science popularization for university students was held in Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities. Our students, Hanlin Yang and Yifei Huang, represented the schoolto participatein the speech. After a fierce competition, Yang Hanlin won the second prize. Teacherwho guideshimLi Ling of the Youth League Committee of the school won the excellent instructor award, and the Youth League Committee of the school won the excellent organization award.

  Yang Hanlin, a student of Class 4, Big Data Technology and Application, School of Information Engineering, University of 2020, took “Tasting the Sweetness of Science and Technology, Stimulating the Endeavoring Power of Self-strengthening and Innovation” as the title of his speech, which told the story of the scientists such as Huang Xuhua, the chief designer of China’s first-generation nuclear submarine, who have been striving unremittingly to serve the motherland.

Yang Hanlin was full of energy to speak on the podium

Group photo of contestants and teachers

  During the speech, Yang Hanlin was full of energy and had a generous and decent posture. His speech infected the audience, spreading the spirit of innovation and creativity of scientific and technological personnel, and inspired the audience to take the ancestors as a model, and to struggle continuously with the power of science and technology to help the rise of the Chinese nation.

  This speech contest not only enhances the scientific quality of our students, but also creates a strong atmosphere of loving science, learning science and using science in the society.