Our students participate in the torch relay of the 1st National Student Games

2023-10-26 11:24:53来源:[!--source--]作者:饶珈榕、彭译霈 | 英语教研室摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:428

  On the morning of October 26th, the torch relay of the first National Student (Youth) Games, Chongzuo Station, was launched at the administrative center square of Chongzuo City. This is also the first national torch relay event in the 20 years since Chongzuo City was established.

  At 9:30 am, the Flame Protection Team entered with neat steps, led out the flame and lit the Holy Flame Pot.

  Subsequently, the torch passed on in Chongzuo, passing through the CPPCC District to Xincheng Road and Liancheng Road, passing through city landmarks such as the Chongzuo Huashan Ethnic Culture and Art Inheritance and Creation Center, Chongzuo Zhuang Museum, Chongzuo Longteng East Lake Park, Chongzuo Intermediate People’s Court, Chongzuo People’s Procuratorate, and Chongzuo Government Service Center. Finally, the closing ceremony was held at the track and field of the Second Middle School Affiliated to Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities.


Torchbearers carry out torch handover

  It is understood that the National Student (Youth) Games torch relay Chongzuo station passing distance of about 3 kilometers, by 30 torchbearers to participate in the transmission, each torchbearer is equipped with 2 running guards, equipped with a total of 60 running guards, each 2 running guards for a group, each group of running guards about 100 meters. Nine of them are college students from our school.

  On both sides of the torch relay route, citizens cheered one after another, cheering and cheering for the torchbearers.


  Citizens cheer for torchbearers and runners

  The runners follow closely behind the torchbearer, providing support for the torchbearer to pass the torch, and is prepared to assist the torchbearer in completing the relay task if necessary.

  The reporter interviewed Fu Qiang, the runner of our school, who shared “As a current college student, I am honored to serve as the torch runner as the student representative of Guangxi City Vocational University, which makes me very excited. I am the 25th runner and my responsibility is to protect the safety of the torchbearer and the flame. At the torch relay site, people gathered on the roadside to cheer and cheer. I personally felt the enthusiasm and support of people for the National Student (Youth) Games, and their cheers and encouragement also gave me motivation and energy I ran forward with greater determination.”


  Group photo of Torchbearer 25 and our school’s runner (first from left: Fu Qiang)

  The 27th runner, He Junying, said “I am honored to be selected as a volunteer for the first National Student (Youth) Games. This is also an exciting experience. Only by dedicating my limited life to infinite service for the people can I live up to my youth, the people, and the motherland.”


  Runner He Junying


  Leaders and guests take a group photo with all torchbearers and runners as a souvenir

  The torchbearer raised the flame of the National Student (Youth) Games, while the runners also conveyed their fervent dreams in a running up posture. As runners for the 25th to 29th batons, 9 college students from our school have fulfilled their duties and served diligently from beginning to end, successfully completing the torch relay mission, and practicing the volunteer spirit of “dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and progress”.