Cooperation and exchange meeting between our university and Payap University

2023-10-19 10:47:17来源:[!--source--]作者:梁小清 | 翻译:英语教研室摄影:[!--photography--]访问量:437

  On October 18th, Tang Chen, president of International College, Qin Chunjie, chief of Foreign Affairs Section, and Ma Rubao, president of Academic Center of Payap University, and Qi Wenwen, Chinese representative, held an international education negotiation and cooperation meeting in the conference room on the fourth floor of Jingyang Building.


  International Education Cooperation exchange meeting with Payap University in Thailand

  Before the meeting, accompanied by Mrs. Qin Chunjie, President Ma Rubao and Mrs. Qi Wenwen visited the cultural landscape of our school, and then made a field investigation in the construction engineering and logistics training room, to visualize the achievements of the school professional construction.

  Dean Ma Rubao and Teacher Qi Wenwen made field visits in the construction engineering training room

  President Tang welcomed the visit of President Ma Rubao and Mr. Qi Wenwen, and hoped to strengthen the international education cooperation and exchange in the future, enhance the international level of professional construction, and promote the connotative development of the school. President Tang introduced the geographical location, school history and discipline advantages of our school in detail, shared the teaching concept of our school, and proposed the feasibility of cooperation in running schools in the future. He hoped that both sides would promote practical cooperation in platform, talents and internationalization, complement each other's advantages and form a joint force.

  President Tang introduced the basic situation of Guangxi City Vocational University

  President Ma Rubao said that international education is a field of cooperation that our school has always attached great importance to. It is a cooperation that can see practical results and adds new momentum to the development of our school. He also proposed the feasibility of international cooperation from the perspectives of curriculum, language issues and student management, etc. Both sides look forward to in-depth cooperation in international exchanges in the future.


  Ma Rubao, Dean of Payap University in Thailand, spoke

  The two sides had extensive communication on the current development of the current overseas study and research programs, and also had in-depth exchanges and discussions on the service and support for overseas students. Both sides have expressed their willingness to carry out in-depth cooperation in overseas study, research study and personnel training services.

  The two sides took a group photo